Wednesday 17 February 2016

Analysis of Monki Fashion Site & Changes I Would Make

After looking at many fashion websites, I found the lay outs and colour combos to be very similar, where the background is white with black font, and the menu bar is across the top. The account/shopping bag is always situated in the top right hand corner. I believe this is done generically on websites so the customer is familiar and trusting of the site. It also makes it easier to use, unlike the likes of brands such as Zara.

After looking at the Monki site closely, I found it continues with the generic black and white, along with the menu across the top and shopping bag in the right hand corner. They have rollover menu buttons. Monki have a slideshow of recent trends and features which fills the majority of the home/landing page. There is only one basic gif, near the bottom of the landing page which is promoting the online sale still present on the site. The gif is just different garments being played on a loop, with red garments and red background. At the very bottom of the home/landing page, are links to Facebook, Instagram and pintrest where you can find latest trends and local events.

In terms of layout of the site, I don’t think much needs changing. I enjoy how free-flowing and easy the site is to use and doesn’t need much work. On the landing page, it opens with a slide show of trends and promotions, I would change the content of the slide show, not get rid of it. I would use my gif as a the main feature stretching across all 1000 pixels. It will then slide on to a image from my styled shoot. This image will then link to the final 5 images. 

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